05 March 2011

assalamualaikum...huhu..cmt pagi sume..hehe...pagi yg indah tp hati yg geram...huhu..papew jelh aku nie..aku pn arie nie xtau nk ckp pcl pew..pew yg terlintas kt pkirn aku...aku cter post nie xde gmbo2 ea...xnk jiwang2 r..bese2 sudey..sebelh aku nie kucing aku yg ngah tgk aku menaip ea..sibuk je...pglh cri awek ko...nk jgk kt aku..beselh...dier dh knl tuan..xnk lpskn...(perasan hot)..hehe..xdelh..hmmmmmm~~~semlm hari yg agk depress giler babeng r aku ckp...sumpah..malang semlm nsb aku au...mmg malang...aku rce cm aku nie xbergune je..serious! aku mmg dh ptus asa kowt nk blajo pas ad r org ue ckp aku nie..."ko xnk blajo dh..dh keje kilang bru ko tau"...aku pew ag..tros r ckp.."HANA NK BLAJO NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN!!!!!"...aku mmg mcm nie ckit r..ckuplh..kck2 dlu aku dihina..dimaki...aku dh bsn dgr perkataan 2...mmg agk tercbr ckit r...xslh kalo ko memperthnkn diri kau kalo dlm hal2 nie..aku xpnh kowt 10tion gler2 pcl lelaki..most all aku pnyr problems...byk hal family r...hmmmmm~~yes!! aku mmg xsabo nk idup sush...cmner nk cri duet...aku dh siap sedia mental n fizikal..mmg aku nk dgn usaha aku sndri...aku akn byr blk pew yg dowg dh besokn aku...mksd aku duet....aku jnji pd dowg...aku yg akn bg dowg mkn satu hari nnt utk memblas jasa dowg selama nie...AKU JANJI!!

hmmmmm~~enough of diz story...hari nie aku juz nk bercerita sje....tgk~~ank org yg sederhana pn..bley 10tion thp gler gaban tau...sush tau x peranan sbg seorg ank pmpn nie...kalo laki..bley r...nie pmpn....sush deyh...aku byk berpikir jgk r oew yg dier ckp 2...aku xnk org memperbodohkn aku....huhu...oklh...tutup cter nie..aku nk cter r pcl...hmmmmm~~ xnklh ckp nme...dier tgh exam kowt..gewd luck for___.....aku doakn yg terbaik utk dier..semoga mse dier exam 2...Allah bukakn pintu hati dier utk mnjwb exam dgn senang...hmmmmm~~ntahlh..hmpir setiap arie kowt aku buka no clcm..kowt2 dier ad anto ke..hepy xkshlh...aku jgk yg ckp kt dier soh tngglkn aku xbley nk wtpew r....aku juz follow jelh kehendak aku..jauh dr sudut hati aku nk amek dier blk..ea...ayt aku nie xketerlaluan kn??? mksd aku amek...blk kpd dierlh....xde2...aku xbley jd buruk siku..aku dh ckp..aku akn laksanakn...ayt skema seyh..huhu....kdg2 giler jgk aku nie..skjp blocked..skjp x...kdg2 aku lupe aku xblocked dier ag...ntahlh deyh..aku rce r..dlm atie aku nie still ad hrpn ag aku mcm menafikan je...sbb~~hmmmmmmmmmm~~~kwn aku ckp....mne ag nikmat...cri duet dpn mata atau mmg kte btol2 usaha cri duet 2??? aku ckp r..duet dpn dier ckp slh....die rckp...ko kalo cri duet dpn mata..mcm ko rse bese2 je..xde feel rse duet kalo ko cri duet sndri...ko akn rse..nielh titik peluh aku selama nie...byk sgt dugaan tp akhirnya....dpt jgk duet...phm x??? korg phm2 sndri r.....

ok2.....cpew ek nk ajr aku chemist ag??? hmmmmmm~~jujur jelh kt cnie...kalo ktepwg bese tepon mlm2...kteowg bkn ckp pcl hal kteowg je tau..kdg2 mlm ue..kteowg ckp ckp pcl study...dier tnyr aku...cmner study?? aku ckplh...sushlh chemist ke boi ke fizik ke...pas ue on the spot dier ckp....nk tlg x??? huhuhu...aku pew ag...emas dpn mata...aku grab jelh...aku still ingt ag dier ajr aku electrochemistry...serious!...mse aku blajo bnde nie...satu pth haram jadah ntah aku xtau papew....mmg blur abs...after dier soh aku hfl bnde2 nie..bru aku mule phm ckit2...aku rse r...chemist nie...kte bley blajo sndri aku r...coz almost 70% subjek nie aku blaho sndri..tnpa ckgu...aku phmkn sndri fizik...HANCUSSSSS~~~xpyh ckp r....mmg skunk...subjek form 5...aku dh mule suke dh...dhlh ad pcl radioactive kn...mmg r ag aku suke..wlupn aku akn ttp mndalami bnde 2..huhu...thanx awk...sbb ajr sye...xpew...t kalo awk xphm ckp ngn sye keyh! insyaAllah sye ajrkn bnde yg kamu xtau 2...uhuhu...;)

hah! aku sbnnryr nk duit syiling negara 2 r..hehehe...menyesl ckp xnk...aku nk sgt tau sbnnyr..owhhh! lupe...aku ad mnx dier nk duet syiling negara yg sdg dier further study nie r...aku xbley ckp dier further study ktner tp..ckuplh aku juz ckp..dier further study kt europe sne...hoho..ntah btol ke ntah x aku ckp europe nie....lyn jelh....hehehe...nk tnjuk duet syiling kt anie...adoyai~~~xnk r ckp...segn r..mule2 xnk..pas 2 nk blk...segan r...xnk ckp....:(....hmmmmmm~~~nk duet syiling.... kalo dier bgus...hmmmmm...hah! aku kn mse r ckp2 ngn kwn aku nie...dier ckp..most all....pmpn suke menunjuk2 dier ad pkwe tp laki...jarang sgt tnjuk dier ad awek...btol ke??? mcm aku ke nie??? dier bkn pkwe aku..dier kwn aku...rpt aku rse...btol kowt..ntahlh...aku xksh kalo lelaki 2 pn sme nie pmpn yg lbh2 tau..sush tol....aku lbh suke kalo dua2nyr cool je....xpyh ckp papew...mmg 2 r yg aku aku...aku dh fobia dh nk disayangi...aku lbh prefer...knl hati budi dier...kalo dh suke sme suke..xpyh bercinta..troz msk meminag je..bercinta after kawen ea....xnk r dpt dosa ag....hehehe...kwn aku ckp...snangnyr dpt kau...hehehehe...ko ingt snang nk dpt aku??? sush bai...aku nie choosy ckit r..xnk yg nie..xnk terlalu nie...hah! sush ok....hehehehehe....:D

tp wlau papew pn happen...kalo satu hari nnt kteowg jmpe blk...aku nk tgk dier dh jd org dewasa yg sempurna...huhu..mmg 2 r impian aku...nk tgk___ membesr ngn matang...hehehehe...aku ckp aku sndri xmatang2...hehehe..xpew..aku lme ag...wt mse skunk..jdlh dk kck dlu wlupn bdn beso..huhuhu....aku suke mnje2...hehehe....hah~ alamk!!!! skunk dh pkul 10.20 r....aku nk pg 2tion 10.45 nie...huhuhu...nnt ble2 mse aku free...aku post r bnde2 besh ea...mybe bnde nie kau xshare kt fb kowt..segan aku..mnalu...xnk2...bior je cpew yg pg blog aku juz bce je....hehehehe..kalo nk muntah 2..silakan~~~hehehehehee...nah! amek ko!!!! dush..dush..dushh`~~~...muntah ag...hehehehe...oklh kamu sume...nk pg ciap2 lh...hana pg dlu ea....<3 from deep bottom og my heart...assalamualaikum...

                                                                       -ARABELLA ARAHANA-

03 March 2011

mencarut~~lelaki and perempuan??? pew beza ek???

assalamualaikum...hye2...dh lme ek x post kt blog nie..(bru be2rapa arie je kowt) kre lme jgk ek...aku busy spm thn aku blajo lepak je r...xnk 10tion2 sgt...blajo ttp blajo...kalo kte bley..InsyaAllah spm bley pnyr r...jgn risau...aku yakin..aku nk buktikn pd parent aku..aku pn pndai jgk mcm kakak aku...huhuhu...hah!..hari nie aku nk kgnsi ckit pcl mencarut nie..aku xtau r ek...plek sgt ke kalo pmpn ue mncarut??? bg aku r..mmg pmpn dianugerahkn dr Allah pd kte dgn sft pemalu tp...ntahlh ek...hina sgt ke kalo pmpn mncarut??? pai tgur2 ag...aku xksh kalo nk kalo nk tgur diri 2 mstilh btol... xbuat bnde 2 jgk...nie x..dier mncarut jgk..ckp lbh...2 yg aku xbley nk trima 2...ntah r ek..dr mne ckp pmpn xbley nk mncarut??? ok kalo pmpn xbley nk mncarut..lelaki pn msti r xbley mncarut jgk sbb perkatan2 ue mmg xbtol pn kn...Rasulullah s.a.w pn xphn mngeluarkn prkataan 2...aku plek..lelaki kalo nk ckp kt pmpn ble pmpn bls alek..t msti r ckp.."ko tau pew?? aku lelaki.."..ekeleh..setkt ko lelaki...xbrmknenyr r sesuke atie nk hina kaum hawa..siot tol...aku bnci au org mcm nie..ko cpew nk hina2 kaum kteowg?? aku mmg anti tol org2 mcm nie..mcm nk sula je..huh!...ckp baek ckit r...nk tgur org ad skill dier r...bkn maen tgur mcm ue je..kne ad kelembutn...nie x..cre kekerasan...huh! keras kau kuat memberontak kteowg au...

 hmmmm..laen kali nk tgur...tgur r cre baek..nie jgn r pai kuor hadis segala mcm...mmg btol pn..kalo nk tgur org kne kuor hadis tp...agk2 jgk beb..dibuatnyr kau tgur org yg on the spot..maki hamun kau..x ke malunyr nmenyr ue...mmg r ko nk berdakwah...ckp ngn aku r...Nabi pn berdakwah ad crenyr r..cmner dier nasihat para kafir sekalian...ok..aku xnk r kau tgur kaum hawa je..kaum adam pn ad lagi byk keslhnnyr brbnding kteowg..snang kate...lelaki pmpn msing2 ad kelemahannyr ea...aku pn xprfect sgt nk tgur2 aku snyp je..sbb aku sedar diri aku nie pn ad kekurangn jgk...hmmmmm~~ok out of this story...aku nk cter pew ag ek..oh. btw! aku ad cter nie...aku akn ad extra classes mnggu dpn seyh...!!!!!!!! xbley blah..pnt gler siot...pnt!!! pnt!!! pnt!! grrr~~nk mampus....huh! mlm ue aku ad klaz kt tmpt 2tion...mmg berkorbn gler r aku thn nie..korbankn tdor aku...hmmmm~~adoyai~~xpew2..aku snggup....:(

 AKU GILER!!!! hahahahahaha..sengal gler aku nie...ok2..aku bese2 je ea...adoyai~~ pnt gler ble mse ad gmbo aku ngah pgang gitar nie?? maen pn xreti..nie nk show off plak kn..xbley blah aku...huhuhu...xpew2..t aku maen piano bru korg tau...huhu..aku suke maen piano r..sbb melody dier cm...menyaytkn atie je...huhu..suke2..t kalolh x busy..aku nk pg gk r klaz piano..kwn2 aku sume reti maen keyboard..jelez tgk dowg..aku nie xreti2 ag nk maen piano..aku nk jgk maen piano..nk jgk..nk jgk..nk jgk...hehehehe...ok2..cool2..ffuuuhhhh~~~hehehe..oklh dear..aku nk out nie..hari makin ptg..skt pnggang aku doduk lme2..aku off dlu ea...syg kamu sume...<3 deep from bottom of my heart...assalamualaikum...

                                                                                -arabella arahana-

27 February 2011


We always used to talk real late after midnight
Now the only thing we do on the phone is fight
Is there a way to make this go away
I don't think that we're gonna be okay
You were my hero and I was your sidekick
Now you're gonna be the tear that I cry when we split
Baby I don't think that I can do this
It seems so wrong makin` up with only one kiss
Don't think that I could ever be
Able to stay with you now baby
Cuz in time I know that we'll both see
We're not meant to be
Cuz you're the one who makes me cry
You would never ever save me
All your words are full of lies
You're not the one I wanna marry
Cuz baby can't you see
We're just a fantasy
There's nothing we can do
We're not the perfect two
We're not the perfect two
We're not the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're not the perfect two
I thought you were my prince and I was your princess
Now that we're here all of that is meaningless
I think I was a fool for letting you fill the spaces
Between my hands and my diary pages
You used to be the one that made me happy
You used to tell me you were lucky to have me
Now you're as cold as the winter weather
But I don't care cuz we're no longer together
Don't think that I could ever be
Able to stay with you now baby
Cuz in time I know that we'll both see
We're not meant to be
Cuz you're the one who makes me cry
You would never ever save me
All your words are full of lies
You're not the one I wanna marry
Cuz baby can't you see
We're just a fantasy
There's nothing we can do
We're not the perfect two
We're not the perfect two
We're not the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're not the perfect two
You know that I'll never love you
Like the way I ever used to
But you know I will remember you
Now that I'm gone I smile
It took me quite awhile
To see we won't walk the aisle
Cuz you're the one who makes me cry
You would never ever save me
All your words are full of lies
You're not the one I wanna marry
Cuz baby can't you see
We're just a fantasy
There's nothing we can do
We're not the perfect two
We're not the perfect two
We're not the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're not the perfect two 

. A R A B E L L A .


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