02 February 2011

hmmm,,,nothing..juz for the memory

assalamualaikum sume...hehehehehe..morning aku xtau npew aku ltk pic nie..mybe..coz...hehehehehe..menandakn betapa redupnya atie aku menlis blog nie..hehehehe...xde ah...metafora je ue..bkn2 hiperbola..huhuhu..aku mmpraktikn bnde yg blajo time lower form dlu..hehehehe...hmmmm~~arie nie nk ckp pcl apew ek?? actually xde point r nk bg mlm td aku trmimpi pn decide nk ckp pcl dier nie..kalo xnk bce, xpew..aku tulis pn sbb..aku tkot t someday aku akn lupekn dier jgk..hehehehe..tlglh~~..geli je..xde2..juz 4 kenangan je...hmmm...ok2..aku akn pick someone yg make me 'crazy'...hehehehe..xde ah..aku nie..sume.."xde ah"...mmg xde pn...;)....
 mengapakah, saye meletak pic yg comey2 nie??? saye suke animal yg comey2...huhuhuhu...geram sungguh~~..hmmm..where do we start? ok2..i pick him...he lives in ex-senior from smssi...agknyr rmai xtau kowt...cpew yg tau ue..shut up..shut up je r...hehehehehe..x2..aku xgedik...bese2 je..hmmm..ingat ag r ble aku start knl dier..tanggal 20/2/2010....hah!..mse ue aku bwu blk dr 2tion...pnt maa~~..n coincidencenyr..aku ad probs..ckit ue on9 sje2 je..nk hilgkn serabot di kepala...tbe2..aku trase amt bsn thp dewa...aku pn tgk owg chat2 nie kt fb...hmmm..c mamat nie pn ngah on9..aku buzz dier r, pew ag..menganjing dier pcl umah sukan dier..hahahaha..epy kowt aku mse ue..coz umah sukan dier dpt no 4 ue...dr 4...hahahahahahaha....gembira2...hehehehe..after that, switch no kowt..huh!..pkr smpai hubgn social network je..upe2nyr..haihhhh~~..sudh2...

 hehehehe..ok2..nk cter ktner ek??? actually kn..ble pkr alek..aku nie xde papew hubungan pn ngn dier...skdr hubungan teman tp mesra ye r..mse ue..pkr sume nk over acting je...akulh slh satu owgnyr...huhuhu..ntahlh...slh aku jgk kowt..owg cm aku cpt prasan skunk..ckop2lh..aku dh start bsn kowt ngn laki..nk various kind of human..kalo asyik pkr sowg je..haiihh~~..biarlh...ea...sudh2...pkr study je...ok2..aku smbung cter mamat nie...ntahlh..aku suke sft dier nie ciri2 laki yg aku suke r..contohnyr..aku mmg jns xsuke slalu msg kowt..24 jam asyik msg je..aku nie jns yg cpt bsn...bguslh...dier xtau diri aku tp dier phm kowt...mse "couple" ue...xbyk sgt r bese2 je..ntah bese2 jelh..xde byk cter..aku pn lupelh...mne bley sume cter nk cter..hah!..mse satu mse nie, sebln kteowg xmsg kowt...coz dier exam..aku pn mse ue ngah midterm pnyrlh jht aku nie..aku pg msg ngn errr~~...adlh beberapa setia beb..msg cm bese2 je...hah!..satu ag sft aku yg xbley dikikis nie...aku suke pngl gurl, boy, grandpa, grandma, aunt, uncle...xkshlh cpew2...aku suke pnggl sume owg syg...sbb sume owg aku syg..hmmm...sorylh kalo ad trpnggl cpew2 syg ue...aku syg kamu sume..<3
 hah!..aku xbpew ingtlh time ble dier ckp ngn aku..dier dh ad awek...hahahahaha..biarlh..hak dier..nk bpew byk pn..ameklh..aslkn..jgn dier plih yg slh owg..sudey~~..kang xpcl2..acid ats bdn kang..bwu mse ue nk aku xkn jd cm ue aku..rmai ag kt luor ue..kalo ad jodoh...xkemanenyr...hehehehehe...mmglh..jujor nie..syg dier aku pkr alek..sudhlh~...xnk syg owg ag...btol r ad pepath ckp..."jgnlh kte mngejar owg yg kte syg, kelak owg yg kte syg ue akn mnnglkn kte utk owg yg mereka syg" diri anda skunk aku stil kwn ag ngn jgk sktkn atie dier...
cian dier kn..hehehehe..kte nie pn xde papew...huhuhu..aku nk cter apew ag?? hah! last skali nk ckp..aku suke sft dier sbb..dier sowg yg caring, suke mngorbnkn drinyr utk owg len, (ad sbb aku ckp cmnie)..taat kpd parent, giler2, n most important...aku suke dier seadanye..hahahahaha..jujor nie..xtipu...<3...ok2lh..ue je nk dikongsi brsme...last skali..lhtlh gmbo comey2 yg sye ltk nie...;),,:D...


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