05 February 2011

TRANSPORTER....REALLY10000000000000000X...LIKE IT!!!!!! x kete kcil nie? bwu je tgk cter transporter...xtaulh ek...mmg mnt kete kowt dr tgk love story..dpt pew kalo tgk love story? jiwang je memnjg...xbesh lngsg..xadventure pn..heheheheh...hah!..tekalh nie kete pew?? dr dpn msti kowg rse lamborghini, rite? hehehehehe..slh guessing ue..nie 2010 audi R8 Spyder...hohohoho...the latest abs kn???hehehehehe..haiihhhh~~...ble lh nk mmbeso dgn cpt nie? nk bli kete2 cmnie ngn duet ana sndri...hehehehe..besh gler..arie nie aku cter pcl kete yg aku mnt je ea...mstilh taste kne high class pnyr..kalo x t..snang r owg nk tackle...hehehehe..prasan je lbh..cpewlh nk aku nie..:)

ah'ha!!!!...hehehehehe..tekalh nie kete pew plak??? aku xkn bgtau kowg nie kete pew ea...yg psti..nielh kete idaman aku since form 2 ag kowt..hehehehehe...kalo kowg ingatlh..kete pkai dlm 2 fast 2 furious...paul skywalker(aku rse nie bdk yg brlakon dlm star wars r...hahahahaha..aku lupelh cpew nme dier..yg psti dlm cter ue nme dier brian o'connor..)...mmg r...eeeeeiiiii~~germ2...hah!..mse pg jb arie jumaat mnggu lps..jmpe kete nie kt jusco tebrau...mak aaiii~~~.."xtkot ke sye nk calarkn kete awk nie???"...hehehehehe..."sye ok je..kalo awk bagi"...hehehehehe...kdg2kn...timbul prasaan jeles au ble owg bwk kete2 cmnie..yelh..t mulelh aku pkr...aku bndg2kn driku dgn mereka2 yg kaya nie..bagusnyrlh kn mereka2..ini...hmmmm~~...insyaAllah..t satu arie t..aku akn bwk kete jln2 ngn family aku kt overseas...hehehehe..nie pn trmsk impian aku gk au...moga2 trcapai...;)

hmmmmm....ah'ah!....hehehehehe...kete nie kn ag mhl dr fererorocher...ea..slh2..bkn2..kete nie ag mhl dr ferrari..huhuhuhu..nie sume kwn aku pnyr pcl r nie...tergeliat lidh aku nk sbut...hehehehe...beshkn kalo dpt kete yg mhl2 nie...mmg r tmpt sit pn utk 2 kalo cpew yg bli kete yg mhl2 nie..dowg pkr kepuasn atie dowg au...xpewlh..duet kuor bpew byk pn..yg pntg dowg puas...hehehehe...owhhhh..i forgot..nielh kete 2008 IMSA LAMBORGHINI MURCIELAGO GTR...hohohohoho...nme pn cdap..kete pn cdap r nie 2008 pnyr..kalo nk cri yg bwu..ntahlh..nntlh..aku survey dlu...hehehehehe..btw..bwu aku tau au..kete nie mhl dr ferrari sbnrnyr...aku ingtkn ferrari ue yg pling mhl..kalo utk kete sport r..nie xtrmsk antik kalo xclap 14 juz around 5-6 mil...hehehehehe..bygknlh...xsnggop kowt aku nk bli kete kalo dh pai 7 angka..hehehehe..brkire r jgk ek aku nie...hehehehehe...:P

 hehehehehe...haihhh~~kne tnggulh kalo aku nk bli sume kete2 yg kt ats ue...aku prcye..kte sume bley cri rezeki slebih yg kte mampu...yg pntg skunk...nie pn slh satu impian aku..aku xnk jd owg sush..sbb parent aku slalu ckp.."ko idop ayah mama tros hulur sume ble kami dh xde...ilmu ue r yg menolong ko nnt ble dh beso n jd owg brgune.."...walaupn aku owg yg bley dikatekn senang ats duet mak bpk aku..bkn tnmkn cita2 aku utk senang ats duet aku..actually, kte sume nie miskin...yg kte pkai bkn duet kte tp duet owg yg byk brjasa pd kte...n now its my trun to pay back all kind of stuff....just watch n learn about just like a canvas...we create it..n we show it to people out mighty we are!...hahahahahaha....sudh2lh..aku nk speaking plak...hehehehe...pai cnie sjelh ea...aku dh ngntklh nie..msg dr td asyik beep2~~...ntahlh..dr cpew nk lyn..hehehehe..thats all 4 today..nnt aku pkr2lh nk tulis pcl pew ag ea...sye syg kamu sume sgt2...<3...from deep of my heart..mmuuaahhh~~!!!!!!!!!!...;)

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